
Our goal here at the Institut is to provide the best and most specific attention to everyone.

Even if some illnesses can be treated using standard procedures, most cases require specific action and adapted tools, depending on the nature and context of the condition.

This is the reason why the whole team is involved in both the diagnose and treatment processes. The team goes through every case individually on a weekly basis, in order to assess each particular case from different points of view.

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This philosophy generates even better results when patients understand they can also help towards a more efficient treatment by becoming an active part in the process. Patients can usually feel for themselves whether the suggested measures and procedures are working or not. Moreover, once determined what caused their condition, they might have to change their attitude or adopt new rutines. Therefore, if the team manages to convince them of the therapy and the reasons behind every decision so that they feel part of the therapeutic team and responsible for their own treatment, the whole process will have a greater effect.

We aim at offering the best possible service. This leads us to constantly research illnesses and their causes. We work on enhancing our treatments and developing new tools for more accurate diagnoses and more effective therapies. We promoted, through the Institut de Fisiologia i Medicina de l'Art, the creation of the Fundació Ciència i Art, in order to make all of this possible. The Foundation is a non-profit organisation which funds many important research projects on art medicine.

Institut de L'art


Who we are and what we do.



Read about our patients' opinions.



Questions we are often asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

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