Adrià Mascarell
Circus Performer.
My job requires my body to be in top form. I injured my two wrists and had to have surgery twice in order to have my scaphoid ligament reconstructed. A full recovery was absolutely essential for me to keep my job.
Circus Performer.
My job requires my body to be in top form. I injured my two wrists and had to have surgery twice in order to have my scaphoid ligament reconstructed. A full recovery was absolutely essential for me to keep my job.
Vaig sentir un petit bloqueig al polze de la mà dreta. No li vaig donar gaire importància. Ho vaig considerar un problema de manca de tècnica, així que li vaig dedicar més temps de pràctica. No només no va funcionar sinó que va anar a pitjor.
Jazz and Classical Music Double Bass Player and Teacher.
One of the benefits of the Institut de Medicina de l'Art is the accuracy of their diagnosis. This is because they have a profound knowledge of the techniques used by us musicians when we play our instruments.
Guitar Player and Teacher.
The people at the Institut understand how any small problem, insignificant to everyone else, may affect us artists.
Amateur guitarist.
I thank the Institute of Art for having helped me to save my passion and expel the demons of dystonia.
French Horn Soloist at the Valencian Community Orchestra and Teacher.
It was at the Institut that I finally found (after a long time) someone who actually listened to me and spoke the same language I was speaking, who didn't think I was talking nonsense and that
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